Saturday, December 29, 2012

12 x 400m off 60 secs

With a 5km race on Jan 1st fast approaching, I thought I'd try a few 400's to get the legs moving. After a warm-up of 3.7km I stepped onto the track only to be greeted with a heavy hail storm, followed by a complete soaking. I considered pulling the pin but after about 15 minutes of hanging around it had at least stopped raining so I decided to give it a go. Needless to say I had the whole track to myself...

Initially I was going to do 10 but the first couple were so poor that I upped it to 12. The track was slippery and wet and the times were slow. Bloody hard doing this on your lonesome:


I finished up with another 3.7km. All up 12.2kms for the day. Strange sort of session - I didn't feel like I was red-lining and the recovery time was ample but at the same time I had no pace. Perhaps still a hangover from the 10km on Wednesday.

A game of snooker in the evening. I rolled back the years in the 4th frame hitting a 50 break - my first 50 in at least 10 years I'd say. Returned to being crap straight after that...

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