Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pyramid Session

A long warm-up of nearly 40 minutes around the various football pitches (estimate 8.5km). Then a few stretches and strides before the pyramid session.

The session was 400/600/800/1000/1200/1000/800/600/400. We were to get 60 seconds between efforts and run them at 3km race pace for the shorter efforts, up to 5km race pace for the longer ones. Perfect conditions on the track - mild with only a slight breeze.

Feeling tired during the warm-up, I was keen to see the back of this. As I like to do in this type of session, I would start a little conservatively and hope to get quicker in the second half. That's pretty much how it panned out but interestingly, I started to feel stronger/more comfortable as I cranked up the pace. Actual times were:

400 - 1:14
600 - 1:49
800 - 2:27
1000 - 3:07
1200 - 3:45
1000 - 3:06
800 - 2:26
600 - 1:48
400 - 1:03

The last 400 was an eyeballs out lap. I ran the first 100m bend in lane 3 so I'm sure it would have been quicker if all in lane 1. That's the quickest I have run in a long time.

I finished up with 10 laps warm-down. All up 19.3km for the night. Easy running the next 2 days before the 5km time trial on Saturday.


Samurai Running said...

Hello Matt

I've been following/reading your blog for a month or so now. Very interested in how well you are running and appreciate you sharing.

Just wanted to let you know I'm here. Lurking gets a bit creepy if it goes on for too long.

I'll be checking in more often. Thanks again and all the best with your running.

Scott Brown

Mags Sheridan said...

Gee Matt, got really tired reading about your pyramid session and im sitting down!!
Happy training!

BeerMatt said...

Thanks for your comments Scott. In amongst the waffle I'm sure you'll find some useful stuff! Good luck with your own running.