Thursday, February 18, 2010


Am - 5km in the gym in 24:55 and 15 minutes on the bike.

Pm - was planning to head out to SOPAC but realised that wasn't a good idea as the first AC/DC concert was on and traffic would be murder. So decided to run my intervals in the newly resurfaced LCNP.

After a 4km warm-up, I lined up for some 400's. I was planning 3 sets of 4, with 1 minute walking recovery between efforts, and a 400m slow jog between sets.

I'm not sure the 400m is spot on but should be pretty close (I've used it before - see Sep 17th, 2009). My times were:

1. 71/67/66/67
2. 68/68/68/69
3. 71/67/68/65

All up the session took 27:49 for 5.6km.

A 4km warm-down. Left knee a little sore. Running quick in my racing flats will do that.

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